This page is for logged in members of CfA's alumni community.
This page is for logged in members of CfA's alumni community.
Copyright © 2025 Center for Anthroposophy, all rights reserved.
When you set up your profile, pay attention to your bio. Your profile biography is searchable by keyword, and this is how other alums will find you. So, for instance, if you were in my class and can’t remember my name, but you remember that I grew up in Los Gatos, you can search for me using the keyword “Los Gatos.” If you are interested in connecting with alums from Rhode Island, you can search for “Rhode Island.” You may put your contact information into your profile as well if you want people to reach out to you directly, or they may send you a message within the Abbot Hill directory.
You may also send a new contact a friend request. Friends’ bios appear in your “Friends” tab on your dashboard, making it easy for you to send messages to the people you wish to contact frequently.
You may view the directory as a complete list, sorted by last names.
IMPORTANT: If you’ve conducted a search, and want to return to the complete list of alumni, remove the search query from the field, and click the SEARCH button again.
One of Abbot Hill’s goals is to enable alumni to network, to share resources, and to self-organize into regional groups or groups based on interest. To that end, this portion of the directory is a listing of “clubs” that you can join.
If you would like to start a group, use the form below to submit a request to the Abbot Hill Administrator at
What’s going on? Here is where you will find alumni events: local opportunities to meet other alumni, and virtual events happening everywhere.
To submit an event to be posted on this page, please send the event details and your contact information to
Abbot Hill is just getting started. With your support we can develop into a strong organization that provides support and resources to Waldorf educators everywhere.