Since 1995 the Center has supported schools worldwide by continually preparing and renewing Waldorf teachers and those who stand with them as administrators, trustees, parents, and friends.

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What is Center for Anthroposophy?​

Arising out of inspirations made available to humanity by Rudolf Steiner, CfA offers low-residency programs in Waldorf elementary and high school teacher education, professional and leadership development, and specialized training in healing education through the arts. CfA supports schools worldwide, inspiring Waldorf teachers and those who stand with them as administrators, trustees, parents, friends, and healing community activists. As an anthroposophical institution, CfA actively promotes the ideals of social inclusion, cultural diversity, individual equity, and socio-economic access in its programs, policies, and practices. Our programs encourage an environment of individual creativity and learning. Plus we offer a beautiful summer campus, the option of vegetarian meals, and scholarship assistance.

Our Mission

The mission of Center for Anthroposophy (CfA) is to enkindle a flame in adults

  • who resolve to raise today’s children and adolescents through Waldorf education; or

  • who engage in the leadership and administration of Waldorf schools; or

  • who work pedagogically with the healing arts

so that they can forge new human capacities out of their practice of lifelong learning and research.

Statement of Purpose

CfA offers the following part-time adult education programs and courses for professional development: 

  • online Explorations (foundational studies) extending worldwide
  • low-residency training for Waldorf elementary and high school teachers, including the option to earn an accredited university Master’s or doctoral degree in education
  • onsite entry-level “Building Bridges” teacher education for practicing public and independent Waldorf school teachers
  • low-residency Waldorf administrative and leadership development
  • professional training in “Emergency Pedagogy” and artistic therapies (Kairos Institute)
  • week-long Renewal Courses in Waldorf curriculum and professional development 
  • mentoring for practicing Waldorf teachers
  • support for individual research projects related to Waldorf pedagogy
Take a look at what we have to offer in part-time and summer courses for all those wishing to deepen their understanding of spiritual life and to further their own professional and personal development.

Plus a beautiful summer campus, the option of vegetarian meals, and scholarship assistance.

We hope you will be able to join us live in Wilton on the evening of July 2 for the party! Our great hope is that friends and colleagues from throughout Douglas’s work with Center for Anthroposophy, AWSNA, the Pedagogical Section Council, the Research Institute for Waldorf Education, the Hague Circle/International Forum and so much more, will be there live to celebrate the man that many have called, “Captain Waldorf.

We want to share the news…

that our dear friend and colleague, Douglas Gerwin, who stepped down from his position as Executive Director of Center for Anthroposophy this past February, will be honored and celebrated (indeed, fêted!) on Tuesday, July 2, 2024 in the Big Room at High Mowing School in Wilton, NH.

We hope you will be able to join us live in Wilton on the evening of July 2 for the party! Our great hope is that friends and colleagues from throughout Douglas’s work with Center for Anthroposophy, AWSNA, the Pedagogical Section Council, the Research Institute for Waldorf Education, the Hague Circle/International Forum and so much more, will be there live to celebrate the man that many have called, “Captain Waldorf.
We hope you will be able to join us live in Wilton on the evening of July 2 for the party! Our great hope is that friends and colleagues from throughout Douglas’s work with Center for Anthroposophy, AWSNA, the Pedagogical Section Council, the Research Institute for Waldorf Education, the Hague Circle/International Forum and so much more, will be there live to celebrate the man that many have called, “Captain Waldorf.

Our Programs

Take a look at what we have to offer in part-time and summer courses for all those wishing to deepen their understanding of spiritual life and to further their own professional and personal development!

Deepen your encounter with Waldorf Education, wherever you are on your professional path.

Join one of our part-time or summer courses. Deepen your understanding of spiritual life. Renew your professional and personal development. Earn a certificate to teach, or the credentials required for entry into a fully-accredited Master’s degree program.

Mentor Training

Serve the growing Waldorf movement by becoming a skilled mentor of new teachers. Gain the skills needed to communicate with compassion and clarity in this low-residency training program.

Explorations Online

This anthroposophical foundational program fulfills entrance requirements for further Waldorf teacher education and a pathway to certification.

Waldorf High School Teacher Education

Earn graduate-level Waldorf teacher certification in a low-residency program. Choose among six academic disciplines while deepening your knowledge of teaching adolescents.

Kairos Institute

Kairos Institute offers training in Artistic Therapies. We are Cooperative members of iARTe, Medical Section, Goetheanum. Kairos Institute is an American site for training in Emergency Pedagogy: Traumatology with Bernd Ruf.

Renewal Courses

Enroll in a rejuvenating week-long professional development course and return to your school inspired by new ideas to share and put into practice.

Waldorf Leadership Development

Cultivate your capacity to serve as a leader in a Waldorf educational setting with this low-residency educational leadership program.

Building Bridges
to Waldorf Teacher Training

A series of workshops for practicing teachers designed to introduce the anthroposophical foundations of Waldorf education.

Antioch University Waldorf Teacher Education Program

Earn a fully accredited Master's degree in Waldorf education through our affiliated teacher education program at Antioch University New England.

Our Grounding

Working out of the science of the spirit pioneered by Rudolf Steiner, the Center offers innovative adult education programs that:

  • stimulate new inner growth and development
  • transform existing gifts and talents into creative capacities
  • re-enliven life’s experiences so that they become seeds for future work in the world
Portrait of Rudolf Steiner


Based in Wilton, New Hampshire, the Center includes a core of six staff members and a circle of approximately 50 adjunct faculty.

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