September 2024

Dear Friends,

We need teachers!  Waldorf schools are experiencing more openings due to retirements and resignations. Many report increased social-emotional issues among students post-Covid. The teaching profession is plagued by low morale and polarizing issues in society that impact our schools.

At CfA and Antioch we hear the plea for new teachers (and support for those valiantly continuing!) but we often struggle to meet the scholarship needs of our applicants. Funding sources are diminishing and many schools have cut back on their contributions for teacher education. 

 With this picture as a backdrop, we are focusing our annual appeal this year specifically on funding teacher education by increasing our two named funds dedicated to teacher training scholarships:

Georg Locher Fund for elementary school teachers

Douglas Gerwin Fund for high school teachers

In addition to increasing scholarships, we are seeking more active collaboration with schools.  Building on existing relationship and forging new ones, we hope to further develop strategic partnerships that can help us coordinate and enhance recruitment, funding and curricular innovation.  

We also remain committed to professional development for practicing teachers offered by our many CfA programs (Please visit our website for details.) 

Thank you for supporting our work!


Torin M Finser

On behalf of Center for Anthroposophy