Forward by the Executive Director
For many, these are scary times. An unstable and unpredictable political and economic situation, fires and floods, an unknown and unknowable future calling to us. Rudolf Steiner tells us, “Above all, we need to cultivate courage and fearlessness in the inmost depths of our thought life itself.”

Waldorf Leadership Development
Now in our ninth year, the Waldorf Leadership Development Program has been fortunate to work with our first ever international cohort.

Kairos Institute at the Center for Anthroposophy
How can parents and teachers find the courage to heal the many who suffer in a world of need?

Building Bridges
From Alaska to Florida, northern New Hampshire to LA (with three stops in central California along the way!) we have found bridges that portray the mission of our Building Bridges Program: to connect aspiring Waldorf teachers with our teacher education programs at Antioch University and our Center for Anthroposophy.

Explorations Online
Explorations Online is now entering its sixth year. Over this period of time nearly 400 participants from around the world have gathered for the weekend seminars, and have come away enriched and inspired.

Alumni Directory
CfA’s Abbot Hill Alumni Group will launch its online alumni directory on February 1, 2025.
“This has been a project that has been many years in the making,” says Abbot Hill leadership team lead Diana Tesni. “We are excited to see what was a vision take shape as a reality.”

Jacob Gerber, WHiSTEP Alumni SpotLight ~ Class of 2024
Learning to fly is a process. The fledgling needs to try its wings and keep moving forward through many attempts until it finds the stream of air that will carry it up and into the sky. CfA’s high school program is carrying young science educators into their vocation of supporting and nurturing the scientists of the future.