Renewal Courses 2017 in Wilton, NH
Week I: Sunday, June 25th to Friday, June 30th
Week II: Sunday, July 2nd to Friday, July 7th
Dear Friends,
Welcome to Renewal Courses 2017! With an international line-up of stellar instructors from around the world, these two weeks of five-day retreats are for Waldorf teachers, administrators, and those seeking personal rejuvenation and social renewal through anthroposophical study, artistic immersion, good food, and good fun.
Please sign up early to secure a bed on campus. In addition to single and double rooms on campus, local community homes support our housing needs with quiet rooms nearby.
Detailed course descriptions, registration, financial aid, housing, and meal plan information are available here. Please share this information with your friends, colleagues, mailing lists, and social media pages. Thank you!

Download the Renewal 2017 poster.
or phone (603) 654-2566.
On behalf of the Center for Anthroposophy,
Lisl Hofer, Renewal Courses Manager
Karine Munk Finser, Renewal Courses Coordinator