The Center for Anthroposophy has added a new page to it’s website which aims to connect job seekers with positions available in the Waldorf world.
Anyone can visit the page and browse the details about posted jobs.

In order to post a job, or make a comment on a job posting, registration is required.
In order to register, click the Register button at the top right of the screen.
If you have already registered for our existing Ride Share forum, you can use the the Login button and the same Login name and Password.
If you believe you are already registered, but forget your login, please use the Lost password? link.

After you register, a Registration confirmation ‘Center for Anthroposophy New User Registration’ will be emailed to you. There will be a really long link, called ‘Password Retrieval URL’ in the email that will take you to a page that says “Enter your new password below.”
You can use the strong suggested password or enter your own password. You can copy and save the password someplace safe, or let your browser remember the password for you. In any case, you can always use the Lost password? link to generate a new password.

Currently, we have 4 teaching positions listed on the page.
We invite all interested parties to make use of this exciting new feature on our website!