Spring Residency: April 19-25, 2024 (Enrolled iARTe students only)
Spring Residency
April 19 – 25 in Keene, NH at Gathering Waters Charter School
Theme: The 4 Seasons and the Archangels by Rudolf Steiner
- Karine Munk Finser: Introduction to the twelve aspects of light, darkness, and color.
- David Newbatt: Parzival and painting
- Martha Loving: charcoal
- Mari Yamaguchi: Eurythmy
Course descriptions:
David Newbatt, artist and teacher, works mainly in watercolors and pastels on paper, as well as multi-media board and murals. He has spent over forty years living in Camphill Communities throughout the UK, specializing in the education of people with special needs through the use of visual arts and drama. David has travelled widely, teaching in Waldorf schools and Camphill communities. In addition to exhibiting his art work throughout the UK and Europe, he has illustrated a number of books published by Wynstones Press. For more information and to see David’s work please click here.
and Mari Yamaguchi
“The 4 Seasons and the Archangels” by Rudolf Steiner
“A Psychology of Self” by John Firman and Ann Gila
“Inner Experiences of Evolution” by Rudolf Steiner (lecture cycle)
Online Classes (Open to all)
with Angela Zhaawanongkwe Lindstrom
Sundays 1:30 -3:30 PM ET
January 21 and February 11
Course Description:
Five hundred years of genocide, colonization, and forced assimilation have taken an incalculable toll on the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas. Shockingly high rates of chronic health conditions mixed with the effects of cultural dislocation from sacred space and the complexities of community breakdown continue to plague generations. Not only Indigenous peoples but All Beings – Human and non-Human – have been impacted, consciously or unconsciously, by these same forces. We will explore the timeline of U.S. Treaties and policies and the historical effects on Indigenous Peoples as well as settlers/colonizers including today’s society. We will examine the foundational Teachings of the Medicine Wheel and Indigenous ways of knowing, learning and sustaining health, and how a “Re-Indigenized” way of being is helping to turn the tide. We will explore what is Medicine, finding balance, and how we can begin to take actions toward, and find healing through, living in Right-Relationship with All Beings.
Angela is currently the Grades Pedagogical Director at the Whidbey Island Waldorf School, where she has taught for over 20 years and organized and hosted the Regional Coast Salish Cultural Sharing for 4th graders. Angela is a citizen of the Anishinaabe (Ojibwe) and Cherokee Nations and taught Native American Studies and Literature for seven years at the University of Cincinnati before becoming a Waldorf teacher years ago. Angela is an advocate for the Rights of First Peoples and Mother Earth, Adoption and Childhood issues, and has been a national presenter on Native culture and spirituality, and Multicultural Women in the World. She is an accomplished artist and writer; however, her most rewarding role is that of mother to her six children, and grandmother of five.
The Twelve Senses
with Lakshmi Prasanna, M.D.:
Lakshmi Prasanna, M.D.
Dr. Lakshmi Prasanna trained as a pediatrician with neonatology as her specialty. She started her career with newborn babies in intensive care and had a successful private neonatal intensive unit for more than 15 years. During this period, she discovered Anthroposophy through Waldorf education and later became the co-founder and president of the Anthroposophical Medical Society in India. She developed an interest in helping children with autism from a metabolic and sensory perspective based on Rudolf Steiner’s indications and runs a curative center for special needs children in Hyderabad, South India. She was one of the pioneer parents and founder member for the Abhaya Waldorf School in Hyderabad. Lakshmi has worked for many years as a school physician as well as traveling the length and breadth of India regularly teaching and inspiring new centers, clinics and schools working out of Anthroposophy. Since 2007 she has worked extensively in Australia as a lecturer and health educator, particularly within school communities. Well regarded across multiple geographies for her integrated approach, her presentations are engaging and heart-warming.
With James Dyson, M.D.:
Sundays 1:30 – 3:00 PM ET
March 3, 10, 17, 24
Course description:
In these lectures, we will address the eternal psychosomatic dilemma, namely how physical/organic constitutions influence the psychological expression of our individuality and vice-versa. We will explore the continuum of mental health, from embodied resilience to psychological and emotional distress, including the influence of social and cultural factors in child development. This will offer a general background for an appreciation of autoimmunity. The lectures will also consider the challenges facing collaboration between physicians and therapists, referencing some specific diagnoses, the types of medicine commonly used in treatment of psychological states and their possible impact on the therapeutic process. Finally, we will address some of the inner challenges involved in strengthening the Organization of Self (i.e., the I-organization), exploring what is meant by confronting the Threshold at the present time and its resulting challenges for personal development.
Dr. James A. Dyson first trained as a medical doctor in London University and went on to study anthroposophic medicine at Emerson College, Camphill Schools, Aberdeen and in hospitals in Germany. In 1979, he co-founded Park Attwood Clinic, a residential medical facility in the UK, where he practiced for 25 years. He also worked as a school doctor, both in mainstream Waldorf Schools and schools and communities for adults and children with special needs. In 2008, he completed a five-year program in Applied Psychosynthesis at the Institute of Psychosynthesis, London, for which he was later awarded a Masters’ degree in Psychosynthesis Psychology from Middlesex University.
James has lectured over several decades in a very wide range of international anthroposophic medical and therapeutic trainings and is a regular contributor at conferences of the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science at the Goetheanum, Switzerland. As a founding Faculty Member of the “Association for Anthroposophic Psychology” in the USA in 2014, he is a regular contributor to their foundation programs. This Association (AAP) currently offers three-year certificate programs in anthroposophic psychology as well as a professional certification program in anthroposophic psychotherapy. Beyond teaching commitments, James’s current practice embraces clinical mentoring and independent consulting. His aspirations lie in connecting esoteric experience with cognitive understanding, especially in relation to psychosomatic medicine, mental health and in the context of human relationship. Published in 2022 by Steiner Books, USA, Soul Size, The Eternal Psychosomatic Dilemma, contains a range of James’s lectures, essays and interviews, in which he explores the realm of soul in relationship to body and spirit.
Spring Residency for Art Therapy is now full and no new registrations can be accepted. To be put on the waitlist please email: milan@centerforanthroposophy.org.
Spring Residency for Speech and Drama is still open, please contact Debbie Spitulnik: debbie@centerforanthroposophy.org
The Spring Online Courses are still available and you may use the blue button above to register.
Location: Gathering Waters Charter School in Keene, NH, 98 S Lincoln St, Keene, NH 03431
For Information on Housing in Keene click here.
Faculty: Sylvia Borau (clay therapist from Parzival Schule, Karlsruhe, Germany), Martha Loving Orgain (art therapist from Vermont), Karine Munk Finser (core faculty, Kairos Director), Debbie Spitulnik (core faculty, Speech and Drama), Christine Burke (speech artist from California), Maria Ver Eecke (curative eurythmist)
$950 for Spring Residency (Now Closed)
Spring 2023 Online Courses Still Have Availability
$150 for Torin Finser’s Karma II online courses – included with the Residency but may be taken by itself (Open for enrollment)
$300 for Lakshmi Prasanna’s online courses – included with the Residency but may be taken by itself. (Open for enrollment)
$250 for studios. For Art therapists or Speech artists. (iArte or Speech Diploma track students only) Offered only in conjunction with the Residency.
SPRING 2023 RESIDENCY - Full! Registration closed.
Artistic Foundations in Healing
Art Therapies and Speech and Drama Trainings
April 21-26, 2023
Etheric experience of the forces of Levity and Gravity in Clay
with Sylvia Borau
Daily Sessions: see schedule
To work with clay with our hands – directly on the clay, without having any tools in between – gives us access directly to ourselves. By working with clay our awareness unfolds easily and we can understand our own creative power but also our own limitations.
Feelings which cannot be expressed with words (especially with children) will be visible in the creative process/sculpture.
Our clay-therapy (anthroposophic clay therapy developed by Roul Radnowsky, Dornach/CH) has specialized exercises which can calm down restlessness of the client or dissolve hardenings. Chaos can be bound, and rigidness can be lead into motion.
Working with clay is a holistic way to stabilizes our own forces and it strengthens our willpower and life-forces while connecting with the etheric forces around us. Clay work increases our healing forces in ourselves on body, mind and soul.

Goethe’s fairy tale is one of both inward and outer transformation. In this veil painting course, we are working with principles of Light and Darkness (L&D), allowing the Spiritual world to work through us. Focusing on moving color, creating space, developing imaginations through the theme, and basic veil painting techniques will be covered. Painting out of L&D is a mediative path, and promises a glimpse of living in the Mystery.
Martha Loving Orgain, MFA Art Institute of Chicago – Artist, Educator and Astrologer
Martha trained at Emerald Foundation, Den Haag, The Netherlands in methods developed by Liane Collot d’Herbois. She has worked with Goethe’s fairy tale since 1994, in private practice, in Waldorf Schools and other institutions across the USA. Currently Artist-in-Residence at Christian Community in the DC metro area, Martha is creating Star Chart Talismans™ working with drawing, painting, printmaking, photography, astrology, gemstones, and weaving in the word. She is the author of In Deepening Silence, a soon-to-be published book on the spiritual aspects of color. Website: www.lovingcolor.org
During this course our focus will be the 3-fold human being as we practice exercises to balance the nerve-sense, rhythmic, and metabolic-limb systems.
The exercises & indications from Rudolf Steiner were given to the teachers in the pedagogical courses and to doctors in Curative Education. They were meant to be done by teachers with their students.
Also, we will practice exercises that you may do on your own for strengthening & enlivening your own vital forces.

Maria Ver Eecke, Therapeutic Eurythmist, has experience working with teachers to help recognize imbalances and she will provide methods to help alleviate what hinders a child from learning.
Each of the speech arts brings a healing to both the speaker and the listeners. Through the transformative story of Goethe’s “ The Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily”, we will delve into the storytellers art, the dramatic gestures and the color palate of lyric speaking.
Debra Spitulnik, M.Ed.
Debra Spitulnik is an adjunct professor of Creative Speech at Antioch University New England, and faculty member for the Center for Anthroposophy. As a core faculty member of Kairos Institute she leads the training in artistic and healing Speech and Drama. Debra has led the development of pedagogical speech and believes that Creative Speech brings healing and nourishment to the soul and empowers the voice. She infuses all her classes with three decades of her unique experiences as a class teacher, subject teacher and speech teacher. She teaches speech, drama, storytelling, and curriculum to teachers nationwide.
Goetheanum Diploma in the arts of Speech and Drama., PerformInternational; M.Ed., Waldorf Education, Antioch University New England; B.S. Elementary and Special Education, Syracuse University.
Christine Burke, MA Communication Studies, MFA (equ.) Speech & Drama
Christine teaches Communication Studies at her local college and at a nearby
university and travels to conferences, Waldorf schools, teacher trainings, and Christian
Communities throughout the world to teach sacred speech and drama and lead groups in a variety of themes. Christine leads meditations online, sacred speech workshops and serves on local and national boards and councils to continue her passion for fostering the art of community, exploring the
many paths of this ‘art of the future’ – as Rudolf Steiner called it. This art of community is her companion – alongside her longtime passion of discovery in the sacred realm of the Word and has led her through literature, linguistics, speech arts and communication studies for self discovery and shared healing.
“From whence came ye?”
We will journey from the day rainbow to the night rainbow and discover the youth who reaches and longs for the beautiful lily. We will use chalk pastel to find our way across the river both when only trance or dream can offer passage, and when soul transformation through love creates a passage out of itself. Finally we will discover how gold is transformed to soul gold when passage beyond the threshold becomes possible through power of sacrifice, when the temple is raised through awakened and harmonious soul forces.
Materials: if you have chalk pastels, bring them along (Nupastel or other good quality chalk pastels). Masking tape (white or yellow) is useful. We will have some pastels in the classroom as well. Paper and fixatives will be provided.
Karine Munk Finser, M.Ed.
Director of Kairos Institute. Director of Transdisciplinary Studies of Healing Education, Antioch University New England. Director of Professional Development at the Center for Anthroposophy, art therapist with diploma from the Medical Section, Goetheanum. Karine is also an active painter.
Karine Munk Finser was born on the Baltic island of Bornholm, Denmark, and later lived in Belgium, France, Switzerland and England before finding her home in the United States. Karine is an art therapist with a diploma from the Medical Section, Goetheanum. She ran the Center for Anthroposophy’s Renewal Courses for 21 years while being employed as a faculty member at Antioch University New England. In 2014, she began the Transdisciplinary Studies in Healing Education program (TSHE)
Online Kairos Classes Included with the Residency but open to others. (Fees apply - see the registration form.)
Torin Finser, Ph.D.
Director of Building Bridges and Waldorf Leadership Development programs, founding trustee of CfA, Director of Waldorf Programs at Antioch University New England, post doctoral certification in Management Development, Harvard, author of 14 books, including Organizational Integrity and Leadership Development.
Sundays, 6:30-9:30 PM ET
April 2: General Embryology
May 21: Organ Development
Fee: $300 (no fee for those registered for the spring residency course).
Lakshmi Prasanna, M.D.
Dr. Lakshmi Prasanna trained as a paediatrician with neonatology as her specialty. She started her career with new born babies in intensive care and had a successful private neonatal intensive unit for more than 15 years. During this period, she met Anthroposophy through Waldorf education and later became the co-founder and president of the Anthroposophical Medical Society, in India. She developed an interest in helping children with autism from a metabolic and sensory perspective based on Rudolf Steiner’s indications and runs a curative center for special needs children in Hyderabad, South India. She was one of the pioneer parents and founder member for the Abhaya Waldorf School in Hyderabad. Lakshmi has worked for many years as a school physician as well as traveling the length and breadth of India regularly teaching and inspiring new centers, clinics and schools working out of Anthroposophy. Since 2007 she has worked extensively in Australia as a lecturer and health educator, particularly within school communities. Well regarded across multiple geographies for her integrated approach, her presentations are engaging and heart-warming.
From Willing to Thinking: Logical Transitions of Soul Movement in Charcoal with Iris Sullivan
Dates: Wednesdays 7:30 – 9:30 PM ET
January 25
February 8 and 22
March 8 and 22
Fee: $250
Materials for Studios:
Board, masking tape, full sheet white/cream Canson Demi-teintes, a box of large soft charcoal (Coates is good ), sheep’s fleece, soft cloth, and a charcoal eraser.
“Healing Powers of Storytelling, Drama, and Imagination” with Debbie Spitulnik and Christine Burke
Dates: Wednesdays 7:30 – 9:00 PM ET
1/11, 1/25, 2/8, 2/22, 3/8, 3/22, 4/12
Fee: $250