Leaning into Wellness and Finding Renewal

Charity, as they say, begins at home. This is no more true than for teachers and school administrators who will bring health and healing to their children only by taking care of their own. Continue reading…

An Album of Snapshots from the World Teachers Conference

Starting with a throaty blast from a ten-foot-long alpine horn and ending with instructions on how to clean a podium without rubbing in the grime, the latest World Teachers Conference attracted close to a thousand Waldorf teachers from over 60 countries. Continue reading…

Leading through Change

At the cross-roads of unprecedented challenges stand our valiant school administrators and pedagogical leaders. As we enter the early stages of 2023, they will need to be asking of their communities some serious questions. Continue reading…

Kairos Institute: Healing in a World of Need

On many levels, we inhabit a world in need of healing. At CfA’s Kairos Institute, which prepares teachers to bring the healing arts to their schools, this need is treated at the level of the individual: child, adolescent, or grown up. Continue reading…

Honoring Our Eurythmists

As part of this year’s annual appeal, CfA established a “Friends of Eurythmy” fund, including the option for contributors to make donations in honor of specifically named eurythmists. The response thus far has been heartening. Continue reading…