CfA's Online Newsletter
Center & Periphery
Spring 2023
From the Editor’s Notepad
Dear Friends,
Journeying often serves as a metaphor both for mapping out a course of education as well as charting a path towards healing. In this spring issue of our newsletter Center & Periphery, we offer several iterations of this image.
Literally: we share personal vignettes from the Waldorf World Teachers Conference in Dornach, Switzerland. Figuratively: we preview retreats of this year’s Renewal Courses, span new pedagogical bridges to points on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, and launch Explorations in foundational studies to ever further distant places on the earth. Psychologically: we undertake a voyage into the private interior world of the traumatized soul along with flights of imagination into the future of adolescent schooling. And yes, we focus on some points of news on the home front, too. Join us!
Douglas Gerwin
Executive Director
Center for Anthroposophy
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In this issue:
- An Album of Snapshots from the World Teachers Conference
- Leaning into Wellness and Finding Renewal
- Building Bridges for the Future of the Teaching Profession
- Breaking Hearts, Opening Hearts
- Kairos Institute: Healing Childhood Trauma through the Pedagogical Arts
- Exploring Ever Further Around the Globe
- Well Worth the Wait
- A New Member for CfA’s Board of Trustees
- CfA Calendar of Events (May – September 2023)
Click on the images or titles below to read them.
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Douglas Gerwin, Ph.D.
Executive Director of CfA
Starting with a throaty blast from a ten-foot-long alpine horn and ending with instructions on how to clean a podium without rubbing in the grime, the latest World Teachers Conference attracted close to a thousand Waldorf teachers from over 60 countries. Continue reading…
Charity, as they say, begins at home. This is no more true than for teachers and school administrators who will bring health and healing to their children only by taking care of their own. Continue reading…
Bridges create links to one’s surroundings but also to transcendent realms. New cycles of CfA’s onsite programs beginning Waldorf teacher education are in the works on both Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Continue reading…
Waldorf education for adolescents can meet the outer and inner, spoken and unspoken needs of young people. And yet, like every generation of teenagers, Waldorf education needs reimagining. Continue reading…
Following a highly successful spring-term residency in Keene, New Hampshire, CfA’s Kairos Institute is gearing up for its next in-person week in Wilton on the campus of High Mowing School. Continue reading…
Now in its fourth cycle, CfA’s popular “Explorations Online” course is drawing participants from polar opposite points on the globe. Continue reading…
Like a carefully tended asparagus plant, a new alumni group is about to be launched with a directory of teacher training graduates from CfA and the Waldorf Program at Antioch New England. Continue reading…
Karin Meadows, alumna of the Waldorf Program at Antioch University New England and now Business Manager at the Yuba River Public Waldorf Charter School in Grass Valley, CA, has joined CfA’s Board of Trustees. Continue reading…
CfA Calendar
Program Events
May – September 2023
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