Kairos Institute
Healing in a World of Need
- Training in Artistic Therapies : Painting, Drawing, and Clay, led by Karine Munk Finser and colleagues
- Training in Speech and Drama, led by Debbie Spitulnik and colleagues
- Training in Emergency Pedagogy, led by Bernd Ruf and Education without Borders
Home » Kairos Temp Page Spring 2023
Kairos Institute at the Center for Anthroposophy
We are dedicated to address suffering in the world, deepen our understanding of the consequences of trauma, and develop skills and capacities to strengthen resilience and wholeness in human encounter. Our students feel called to healing work and Kairos offers pathways through transformative artistic processes.
July 2-7 2023
Emergency Pedagogy with Bernd Ruf
Traumatology II
(Traumatology I is not a prerequisite.)
Kairos Institute is a cooperative member of iARTE, dedicated to bringing a new, unique program that reflects the needs of North America and those of our time.
What is Kairos
Healing in a World of Need
Kairos Institute was created to address suffering in the world.
See highlights from last summer’s residency.
We offer three professional trainings that support this work:
- Artistic Therapies: Drawing, Painting, and Clay. We are a cooperative member of iARTe. Students work towards a Diploma from the Medical Section, Goetheanum.
- Speech and Drama: Students work towards a Diploma in Speech and Drama from the section of the Performing Arts, Goetheanum, Switzerland.
- Emergency Pedagogy with Bernd Ruf: Students work towards a Certificate in International Crisis Intervention
- Register for all three semesters to work toward the iARTE diploma.
- Register for Speech and Drama with foundational training in Pedagogical Speech.
- You may register for selective online courses or summer residency
Our faculty is representative of the global community of anthroposophical doctors, trauma specialists, psychologists, artists, and therapists. Our goal is to prepare students for the unique challenges posed by both individual and collective trauma. Our training will focus on the transformative role of healing educators and therapists across the whole life span: children, adolescents, and adults.
In future years, faculty will include: Michaela Gloeckler, Bernd Ruf, Patrick Stolfo, Iris Sullivan, Agnes Zehnter, and others. We are excited to be collaborating with Education without Borders and continue to offer Bernd Ruf’s courses in Emergency Pedagogy as part of the Kairos Institute.
Who should register?
- Anyone wishing to become an art therapist
- care group leaders
- educators
- special educators
- school leaders
- Camphill workers
- and others in the healing professions.
Kairos Institute Overview

Karine Munk Finser, M.Ed.
Director of Kairos Institute

Lisl Hofer, M.Ed.
Manager of Kairos Institute
Summer, 2023 Residency Faculty
Presenter, Founder of Parzival School & Emergency Pedagogy
Author of Educating Traumatized Children, Bernd Ruf is the founder of the worldwide Emergency Pedagogy crisis intervention center, based in Karlsruhe, Germany. Skilled teams are sent out to help traumatized children in places of the strife of war, or ecological disasters.
Director of Kairos Institute. Director of Transdisciplinary Studies of Healing Education, Antioch University New England. Director of Professional Development at the Center for Anthroposophy, art therapist and painter.
Karine Munk Finser was born on the Baltic island of Bornholm, Denmark, and later lived in Belgium, France, Switzerland and England before finding her home in the United States. Karine is an art therapist with a diploma from the Medical Section, Goetheanum. She ran the Center for Anthroposophy’s Renewal Courses for 21 years while being employed as a faculty member at Antioch University New England. In 2014, she began the Transdisciplinary Studies in Healing Education program (TSHE)
Goetheanum Diploma in the arts of Speech and Drama., PerformInternational; M.Ed., Waldorf Education, Antioch University New England; B.S. Elementary and Special Education, Syracuse University.
Over the course of the last 30 years, Carsten has lived and worked with children, youth, and adults with developmental disabilities in Camphill communities in Scotland, England, and the United States. In true Camphill style, he has tried his hand at almost everything. He has carried responsibilities as a houseparent, workshop leader, teacher, administrator, counselor and therapist. Carsten holds a Bachelor of Arts in the Art of Eurythmy and holds a diploma in Eurythmy Therapy.
He currently lives at Camphill Special School where his overall responsibility and focus over the past ten years has become more directed towards the medical and therapeutic field. He serves the community as Director of Medical and Therapeutic Services, is a licensed EMT and are currently pursuing a nursing degree.
Carsten is a faculty member in the Camphill Academy (Curative Education) and adjunct faculty member of Transdisciplinary Healing Education Program, Antioch University. A motto he lives by is that in life we find a true path of learning and he continues to be a therapist at heart, where the listening ear is at the core.
Monica Talaya completed the Dorion School of Anthroposophical Music Therapy (AMT) in 2005, after her training as a Certified Music Practitioner. Since then, she has worked as an AMT with different populations, age groups and in varied settings, most consistently in the Camphill Communities. She also teaches the lyre to children (from 5 years old onward) and adults in groups and individually.
Monica has given presentations about AMT and has lead courses and workshops for early childhood teachers and parents of young children about the importance of the ‘mood of the fifth’, providing an in-depth experience and understanding of the different stages of a child’s musical development and needs. She wishes to inspire parents for and teaches the singing of lullabies.
Earlier in her life she trained to be a kindergarten- and later a special education teacher and raised her own five children.
Biographical info to follow.
Future Faculty
Michaela Glöckler
Patrick Stolfo
Dietrich von Bonin
For questions and interest in Kairos, please contact Karine by filling out the form below.
Art Therapy
Year 1
Traumatology I/trauma preventative therapies
Foundations of Art Therapy:
Goethe’s theory of colors
Light and Darkness
Foundations in Drawing
Foundations in Clay
Healing Aspects of Color
Healing Aspects of Clay
Laws of the Etheric/Astral
Goethe’s Fairy Tale
Incarnation: opportunities and hindrances in human development
The 12 Senses/the 7 Life processes
Karma studies I and II
Embryology, Organ development
Year 2:
Traumatology II/trauma preventative therapies
History through Art
Karma studies III
Psychology of Children's drawings
Evolution of Consciousness through Color
Health and Illness
Case studies/Practicum
Year 3
Traumatolgy III/trauma preventative therapies
Biography and Human development
Case studies
Case studies/Practicum
Karma studies IV
Year 1, Year 2, Year 3: ongoing studios in developing capacities in working with healing
aspects of color, image and form through drawing, pastel, charcoal, veil painting, and
clay. Speech, eurythmy, movement, clowning, animal therapy, storytelling, singing, are all part of our training.
Speech and Drama
Level 1: Earth:
Traumatology I/trauma preventative therapies**
Foundations in the art of Creative Speech and
Drama I: Epic, Storytelling, Drama*
Steiner Speech Exercises I*
Sounds; the Four elements*
Private Speech lessons *
Poetry and Rhythms
Movement; Eurythmy, Greek Gymnastics**
Goethe’s Fairy Tale: study and performance**
Dramatic Gestures**
Luster and Image Color: Goethe’s Fairy Tale **
Foundations in Clay **
Incarnation: opportunities and hindrances in human development
Karma studies I and II
Embryology, Organ development
Level 2: Water:
Traumatology II/trauma preventative therapies**
History through Literature; the spoken and written word*
Poetry and Pedagogy*
Foundations in Therapeutic Creative Speech I *
Foundations in the art of Creative Speech and
Drama II; Poetry and lyric speech*
Steiner Speech Exercise II*
Drama and performance II**
The 12 Senses and Creative Speech and Drama**
Movement II; Eurythmy, Greek Gymnastics**
Karma studies III
Health and Illness
Case studies/Practicum
Study of Children’s speech
Form drawing **
Private Speech lessons*
Level 3: Air:
Traumatolgy III / trauma preventative therapies **
Epistemology: Language Development of the human being
Biography and Human development
Healing and Pedigocical Creative Speech *
Foundations in the art of Creative Speech and
Drama III; Epic, Dramatic, Lyric *
Therapeutic Creative Speech II and III *
Pedagogical Creative Speech and Drama III *
Steiner Speech Exercises III **
Eurythmy/ speaking for Eurythmy **
Anatomy of the Speech Organs *
Private speech lessons *
Case studies/Practicum/ Internship *
Karma IV
Capstone project: Individual and group performance; Steiner exercises **
Capstone project: Pedagogical / therapeutic research and implementation in classroom **
*offered in the Speech Studios
** offered in the Residencies
All others offered online for Kairos students and the general public
Level 1, Level 2, Level 3ongoing studios in developing capacities in working with healing, artistic and pedagogical aspects of Creative Speech and Drama. The curriculum is designed as a spiral such that each year aspects of speech and drama are brought forward as introduction, knowledge or mastery. All are welcome to participate whether desiring more experience and knowledge of Creative Speech and Drama or are seeking a certificate or diploma.
Students who participate in all Kairos residencies, online courses and speech studios will have the opportunity to develop the capacities necessary for a Pedagogical Certificate in Creative Speech and Drama. Participants will have the foundations to proceed to Level 4: Fire for an Artistic and/or Therapeutic Goetheanum Diploma. After completion of each level, the student wishing for a Certificate or a Diploma will be accessed by an independent speech artist. Visual arts, eurythmy, spatial dynamics, clowning, animal therapy, singing, are all elective as part of our training during residencies.
Emergency Pedagogy with Bernd Ruf
These courses can be taken as a training or as selective courses to support professional or personal development.
Certificate for World wide Crisis Intervention
For those who want to work toward a certificate for world wide crisis intervention:
- Modules and structure of the further training: The curriculum has a modular structure and is composed of twelve modules. Each module consists of twelve theoretical teaching units and several practical teaching units: trauma preventative therapies.
- The modules can be taken sequentially, but this is not compulsory. After successful completion of each module, the participant will receive a certificate. If the participant has successfully completed all twelve modules, a complete certificate can be obtained. The prerequisite for certification is regular participation in a course. The certificates are given to the participants via the regional groups, but are issued and signed by the Friends of Waldorf Education.
2022: Traumatology I, Module 1
2023: Traumatology II, Module 2. July 2-7 (Traumatology I is not a prerequisite)
We will continue to host Bernd Ruf and his colleagues in the summer session in early July.