Clay Therapy 1: Addressing Restlessness and Soul Hardening with Sylvia Borau
To work with clay with our hands – directly on the clay, without having any tools in between – gives us access directly to ourselves. By working with clay our awareness unfolds easily and we can understand our own creative power but also our own limitations.
Feelings which cannot be expressed with words (especially with children) will be visible in the creative process/sculpture.
Our clay-therapy (anthroposophic clay therapy developed by Roul Radnowsky, Dornach/CH) has specialized exercises which can calm down restlessness of the client or dissolve hardenings. Chaos can be bound, and rigidness can be lead into motion.
Working with clay is a holistic way to stabilizes our own forces and it strengthens our willpower and life-forces while connecting with the etheric forces around us. Clay work increases our healing forces in ourselves on body, mind and soul.