Meditative Images of Autism
with Lakshmi Prasanna
Where and how the incarnating I relates to Physical, Etheric and Astral bodies in these individuals: Is it a destiny choice or response to the environment ?
We will discuss some case studies and research therapeutic aspects inspired by Anthroposophy .
Autism: Meet me who I am
A Contribution toward an Educational, Sensory, and Nutritional Approach to Childhood Autism that Supports Families and … Wish to Connect to People and the World
by Lakshmi Prasanna (Author), Michael Kokinos (Author)
ISBN-13: 978-1584209362

Dr. Lakshmi Prasanna
Dr. Lakshmi Prasanna trained as a paediatrician with neonatology as her specialty. She started her career with new born babies in intensive care and had a successful private neonatal intensive unit for more than 15 years. During this period, she met Anthroposophy through Waldorf education and later became the co-founder and president of the Anthroposophical Medical Society, in India. She developed an interest in helping children with autism from a metabolic and sensory perspective based on Rudolf Steiner’s indications and runs a curative centre for special needs children in Hyderabad, South India. She was one of the pioneer parents and founder member for the Abhaya Waldorf School in Hyderabad. Lakshmi has worked for many years as a school physician as well as traveling the length and breadth of India regularly teaching and inspiring new centres, clinics and schools working out of Anthroposophy. Since 2007 she has worked extensively in Australia as a lecturer and health educator, particularly within school communities. Well regarded across multiple geographies for her integrated approach, her presentations are engaging and heart-warming.