Dear Friends,
Please consider, when reading this introduction to our course, that it is a framework that points to a possibility for a shared understanding which requires our collective attention and experiences. This framework begins our course when it is read. All reading of the written word creates a beginning in awareness when we consider that the author’s words only points to the possibility of another reality, your understanding of the meaning you give to the words when we read them. Please contemplate this framework of the course when reading. Ask questions of yourself about the meaning that can be given here and reflect on the framework as if you are the author of words at another level of creativity. As an inspired exercise, try to rewrite the text in your own words as the first step in the exercise of the course. We will do so over the time of the course. I look forward to meeting you soon.
The power of intention resides in the human will and can be given, as an act of will effort, to become the source of knowing and reality. It is here that I come to know the true power of the “I” and its capacity to be at the beginning of all realities and healing. To be here is a knowing that transcends the physical substance and location of the body and can become the very point in time that results in a profound change in most states of consciousness resulting in healing arising in one’s life. This “act of will,” to be here, can be understood as the true nature of self-consciousness and the door into the world of meaning and creation. It is a basis for self-realization.
I am here to become a self-conscious being with capacities streaming up into higher states of consciousness and into the world of the Hierarchies and their Will which streams toward me.
In the act of being “here,” I become aware of the reversal of my will and my lower will begins to receive my will from my higher will. I am this willing cognition that is past, present and future streaming into the process of becoming self-conscious. I become the Act of Will, the bearer of the Logos that cognizes; creates, speaks and understands the words, I AM HERE!
The course will explore and develop the understanding of this becoming, the healing process between the present and expanded states of consciousness. What ails me may not go away but can be taken into oneself and become me at higher levels. This metamorphosis is possible from the soul forces that reside in my will to give meaning to the words, I AM HERE!
The course aims at developing the “will to meaning,” the contemplative aspect of the mind that searches for the door to other states of reality and healing. The opportunity is there in every situation to create the door for the higher will to come through. How do I open the door? I AM HERE!
The course will present:
- The “Dooring” exercise, which will be the basic practice for this self-guided act of will.
- The distinctions of the act of will, healing.
- The Acceptances that guide the creative forces beyond the boundaries of belief to the sources of understanding.
- The Basic Truths, which give orientation to the mental energies and their lawfulness to the discipline of human development.
- The social will of creating community, attention and intention.
- The will to service, generosity and generativity towards to world.
- Conversations on our discoveries. Healing through collective and shared understanding of our most basic truth, The Logos within Human Will to become Human.
- Contemplative exercises which will emerge from our interactions and questions.
- Dreams from our days and nights.
- Aspirations and intentions for our lives and the lives of others we care for.