Be “Inspired” and “In Community” with Renewal Courses 2022

Karen Atkinson, Coordinator of Renewal Courses

“Inspirations!” and “Return to Community!” represent the two overarching thematic banners of this year’s Renewal Courses––the first week online, the second week once again in person. We invite you to join our summer of Renewal Courses for an opportunity to refresh, meet new people, and learn from an outstanding faculty. 

Inspirations!” is the name we have chosen for a week-long virtual retreat comprised of certificate-earning professional development courses in grades teaching, school leadership, curative education, and gender identity studies. Join us from your chosen summer location and be inspired for your year ahead! Online courses will take place from Sunday, June 26, to Friday, July 1. Courses include: 

  • Preparing for Grade 1 with Lori Kran
  • Preparing for Grade 2 with Michael Gannon
  • Preparing for Grade 3 with Kris Ritz
  • Preparing for Grade 4 with Kevin Kilb
  • Preparing for Grade 5 with Jen Kershaw
  • Preparing for Grade 6 with Anne Clair Goodman
  • Preparing for Grade 7 with Wendy Kelly
  • Preparing for Grade 8 with Sarah Nelson

During this week, you can also learn how best to serve as a Leader in your Waldorf school with Torin Finser, and how to support the needs of our children today through Curative Education with Robyn Brown.

Highlights during the first week include six daily lectures with Christof Wiechert on the theme of Diversity in Waldorf Education, and an evening lecture with Lisa Romero on the Spiritual Significance of Social Understanding, plus daily singing with Meg Chittenden and eurythmy with Leonore Russell.

Return to Community!” is the title we have chosen to capture an array of week-long courses to be offered in person at the idyllic setting of High Mowing School in Wilton, NH. Take the opportunity to rest and unwind while engaging with a wide community of individuals inspired by Waldorf education and anthroposophy. In-person courses will take place from Sunday, July 3, through Friday, July 8. Here is the line-up:

Renewal in the Classroom

  • Making Math Meaningful: The Joy of Learning Math in Grades 1-5 with Nettie Fabrie & Wim Gottenbos
  • A Living Approach to Teaching Physical Sciences in Grades 6, 7, and 8 with Gary Banks
  • The Art of Teaching Subject Classes in a Waldorf School with Jason Child

Renewal in Life

  • Make Up Your Mind: Navigating Color Through Polarity ~ Veil Painting with Charles Andrade
  • Living Thinking with Michael D’Aleo
  • Cosmic Cycles, Earthly Rhythms with Mary Stewart Adams (Star Lore Historian)

Week II of our Renewal Courses will also feature a special evening lecture by Adam Blanning, MD, daily singing and eurythmy, evening socials, and the chance to reconnect with our Renewal community. Visit our website to learn more!

Spring/Summer 2022

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