Kairos Institute – Healing in a World of Need

Karine Munk Finser, Director of CfA’s Kairos Institute, looks back on an inaugural year and forward to the next phase of this innovative training program in the therapeutic arts.
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Alumni Profile – “Deciding to Follow Your Heart”

In the first of our new series of alumni profiles, Ruth Olson describes her journey from corporate trainer in the tech industry to Waldorf class teacher and administrator. Interviewed by Diana Tesni, Chair of the CfA/Antioch alumni leadership group. Continue reading…

A New Member for CfA’s Board of Trustees

Karin Meadows, alumna of the Waldorf Program at Antioch University New England and now Business Manager at the Yuba River Public Waldorf Charter School in Grass Valley, CA, has joined CfA’s Board of Trustees. Continue reading…

Well Worth the Wait

Like a carefully tended asparagus plant, a new alumni group is about to be launched with a directory of teacher training graduates from CfA and the Waldorf Program at Antioch New England. Continue reading…

Exploring Ever Further Around the Globe

Now in its fourth cycle, CfA’s popular “Explorations Online” course is drawing participants from polar opposite points on the globe. Continue reading…

Breaking Hearts, Opening Hearts

Waldorf education for adolescents can meet the outer and inner, spoken and unspoken needs of young people. And yet, like every generation of teenagers, Waldorf education needs reimagining. Continue reading…