Center & Periphery Newsletter — Winter 2025

During this winter season at the Center for Anthroposophy (CfA), the directors of our seven programs––a record number!––are forming new courses and line-ups of faculty in preparation for the spring and summer terms ahead. In this issue of Center & Periphery, CfA’s thrice-yearly newsletter, you can read about the latest selection of our in-person and online courses and services. Continue reading…

Center & Periphery Newsletter — Winter 2024

During this winter season at the Center for Anthroposophy (CfA), the directors of our seven programs––a record number!––are forming new courses and line-ups of faculty in preparation for the spring and summer terms ahead. In this issue of Center & Periphery, CfA’s thrice-yearly newsletter, you can read about the latest selection of our in-person and online courses and services. Continue reading…

Center & Periphery Newsletter — Autumn 2023

view of monadnock mountain from high mowing school

With this issue, we kick off what we hope will become a regular feature of our thrice-yearly publication––namely, interviews with our alumni describing their life’s journey as Waldorf early childhood, elementary, high school, and subject teachers. What––or, more likely, who––drew them to Waldorf education, and how did they find their way? Continue reading…

Center & Periphery Newsletter — Spring 2023

Journeying often serves as a metaphor both for mapping out a course of education as well as charting a path towards healing. In this spring issue of our newsletter Center & Periphery, we offer several iterations of this image. Continue reading…

Center & Periphery Newsletter — Winter 2023

Close to my home in Central Massachusetts, a clustering of maple trees stands tall and naked against a grey winter sky. Beneath the dark and rough bark of these trees, immensely potent forces of new life are flowing. These will soon become evident as sap begins to flow from small taps jutting from the trunks into little white pales belted around the trees. We are gearing up for a season of sweet maple syrup. Continue reading…

Leading through Change

The last few years have brought unprecedented challenges to schools, especially to our teachers and administrators. Layered over long-standing issues of low pay, long hours, helicopter parents, shared governance (and confusion over roles and authority), schools have had to navigate a third year of covid while enhancing their DEI activities and working with new financial constraints, to name but a few issues.

Lighting Up the Darkness

This is the season of light. Which is a paradoxical way to describe––at least here in the northern hemisphere––the darkest time of the year. So, what does it mean to refer to this time as the season of light?

To use an example you all will know: you enter a dark room, light a match or click the flashlight button on your phone, and suddenly the room is illuminated. The light overcomes, in other words, the darkness.

Center & Periphery Newsletter — Fall 2022

In this issue, we entertain some inspiring solutions––both in-person and online––to the deepening crisis in education. We ask: What’s wrong? What’s needed? What’s coming? Along the way, we outline some novel approaches to traditional forms of educating adults and explore new approaches to educating youth and those responsible for teaching them.

Center & Periphery Newsletter — Spring 2022

Outdoor session

CfA’s Online Newsletter Center & Periphery Spring 2022 From the Editor’s Notepad From the Editor’s Notepad Douglas Gerwin, Ph.D. Executive Director, CfA Dear Friends, After two years of being mostly […]

Center & Periphery Newsletter Winter 2022

Center & Periphery The Online Newsletter of the Center for Anthroposophy Winter | 2022 In This Issue   Dateline Freeport, ME: Passing the Baton of Waldorf High School Teacher Training  […]