July 3-July 8
Living Thinking ~ Developing Clarity in a Time of Significant Change
The capacity to think for oneself is never more apparent than when inner and outer changes require us to see what is really happening and make new choices. Present uncertainties may inculcate fear, but they can also create conditions for each of us to claim more deeply the capacity for greater clarity in perception, thought, and the ways we live. Once we are clear of our own thinking activity, this becomes the key to understanding the view of another and truly discerning it either as a different aspect of truth or something more limited in perspective.
Classes will focus on three central themes:
- Improving the ability to rid ourselves of preconceptions and to note more carefully the perceptive activity happening within and around us
- Developing a clearer and more conscious understanding of the relation between the activities of perceiving and thinking
- Understanding how claiming one’s own perceiving and thinking activity results in a greater sense of confidence and the seed for a truly social way of being.
Through a series of observational exercises in rich, natural environments, group discussions, short readings, and inner reflections, the path to clarity will become apparent. The week’s goal is to begin a process that can be strengthened and practiced well beyond the last day of the course.
Themes from the morning discussions will be further deepened during the afternoon sessions through metal work in copper or silver, during which all participants will craft something for themselves.