Dynamic Speaking I (HS 138)

I  Projected Learning Goals and Objectives:

  • To discover the nature and role of the spoken word in evolving connection between world and individual
  • To explore the qualities of the sounds of speech through an experience of listening to and reciting poetry
  • To develop an appreciation of the three styles of poetry: epic, lyric, and dramatic, in connection with the human being’s differentiated relationship to the world
  • To work with the Morning Verses in connection with the contrast of ‘outer and inner’: the conversation between the world and the individual
  • To develop an awareness of the role of the breath
  • To develop an awareness of inner form and movement in speech
  • To learn to work with some of the speech exercises for Waldorf teachers

II  Overview of Content and Methods:

Following an introduction to the day’s subject and focus, classes will consist of group and individual speaking of speech exercises and texts. Intermittent conversation time will allow for further appreciation, integration, and understanding of the various aspects and activities.

III  Outline of Topics to be Covered:

The role of speech in our lives.  Exercises for time perception. An introduction to the three styles of poetry in relationship to the human being’s differentiated relationship to the world. Speech exercises relating to this differentiation. Movement in speech.  Focus on lyric poetry and related speech exercises. Introduction to speech exercises for the teacher.

The art of the spoken word as a pedagogical factor and as one of the ‘time arts’ integral to Waldorf education.  Exercises for time perception. The nature and practice of epic poetry.

Speech exercises relating to epic poetry. Teacher exercises.

The nature and practice of dramatic poetry. An introduction to ballads and to the nature of drama.  Related speech exercises. Review and preparation for group and individual presentations.

IV  Verification Requirements and Evaluation Methods:

Students will be evaluated on the basis of their participation in class, their completion of homework assignments, and their class attendance.

V Readings:

Required texts will be given during class.





FIRST year

Second Year

Third Year