Learning Goals
Each participant will be encouraged to develop an understanding of the methods associated with phenomenological or sense-based science. Comparisons between the methods of sense-based science and more classical approaches will be both encouraged and investigated. The emphasis will be placed on developing understanding through individual experience so that later presentations in the classroom are rich and authentic. This year we will focus on the curriculum of the 12th grade, Visual Physics and perception. By combining an overview of the Visual Physics block with some of the latest research using phenomenlogical methods, each participant will gain a clearer understanding of how to approach a number of topics in a thoughtful and pedagogically appropriate manner.
Course Content
The class will have two central themes. The first will be to work with various phenomena associated with the curriculum to illustrate the methods used in the classroom while also giving the participants an active experience of how to demonstrate and work with the phenomena. Most of these examples will be drawn from the topics associated with the 12th grade Visual Physics block. Secondly, the class will focus on phenomenological themes and insights that have been recently developed by individuals working in this field. A study of sections of Rudolf Steiner’s Light Course will also take place.