Summary of Preparatory Readings, Year 1

(First Year Group: Class of 2024)

Most books below are available through the online store of the Center for Anthroposophical Endeavors
(Select “Training Courses” tab at the top of the home page and scroll down to “Center for Anthroposophy”)

For HS 110: “Living Thinking”


Rudolf Steiner, Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path:
A Philosophy of Freedom, trans. Michael Lipson                                               

For  HS 112: “Human Development”


Rudolf Steiner, Education for Adolescents

Photocopies (available on the WHiSTEP pages of the CfA website):

Joan Almon, “Educating for Creative Thinking”

Douglas Gerwin, “Waldorf High School Curriculum Guide”

Nanette Grimm, “A High School Course in Child Study”

David Sloan, “Keeping Ideals Intact”


Torin Finser, School as a Journey

Erich Gabert, Educating the Adolescent: Discipline or Freedom

John F. Gardner, Youth Longs to Know

Douglas Gerwin, Trailing Clouds of Glory: Essays on Human Sexuality and the Education of Youth in Waldorf Schools

Hermann Koepke, On the Threshold of Adolescence: The Struggle for Independence in the Twelfth Year

Michael Luxford, ed., Adolescence and Its Significance for Those with Special Needs

Peter Selg, A Grand Metamorphosis

David Sloan, Life Lessons

Rudolf Steiner, The Challenge of the Times

____________, Observations on Adolescence

For HS 114: “Living Thinking”


Rudolf Steiner, Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path


Rudolf Steiner, “Practical Training in Thought”, in Anthroposophy in Everyday Life

Stephen Edelglass et al, The Marriage of Sense and Thought: Imaginative Participation in Science  

Otto Palmer, Rudolf Steiner on His Book, Philosophy of Freedom

For HS 120-128: “Subject Seminars”

Assigned readings will be different for each subject area.

For Life Sciences:

Read: Craig Holdrege, Thinking Like a Plant: A Living Science for Life

For English:


Christy Mackaye Barnes, For the Love of Literature

David Sloan, Life Lessons

Sophocles, Oedipus Rex, tr. Roche

For History:


Rudolf Steiner, Education as a Social Force (found as Part I in Education as a Force for Social Change.)

 Werner Glas, The Waldorf Approach to History

For Mathematics: 


Bengt Ulin, Finding the Path
Read especially thoroughly chapters IV – VIII on pedagogy

Jamie York, Making Math Meaningful – A Middle School Math Curriculum


Herb Swanson, Geometry for the Waldorf High School

Renwick Sheen, Geometry and the Imagination

Daud Sutton, Platonic & Archimedean Solids

For Physical Sciences:


Stephen Edelglass et al, The Marriage of Sense and Thought: Imaginative Participation in Science


Rudolf Steiner, Warmth Course

Georg Unger, Forming Concepts in Physics

For Arts and Art History:


Rudolf Steiner, Art as Spiritual Activity: Rudolf Steiner’s

Contributions to the Visual Arts, selected lectures edited and introduced by Michael Howard

Michael Martin, editor, Educating through Arts and Crafts, Steiner

Schools Fellowship Publications

Hildegard Gerbert, Education Through Art

Van James, Spirit and Art

Rudolf Steiner, The History of Art

Gottfried Richter, Art and Human Consciousness

For HS 130-140: “Workshop in the Arts”

For Drama:


Peter Bridgmont, The Spearthrower           

Michael Chekhov, To the Actor

Keith Johnstone, Impro

David Sloan, Stages of Imagination

Dylan Thomas, Under Milkwood

For Eurythmy:


A.C. Harwood, Eurythmy and the Word

Rudolf Steiner, The Alphabet (lecture of 18 December1921)


FIRST year

Second Year

Third Year