I Overview of Course Content and Methods:
The visual arts and crafts curriculum in the Waldorf school is reviewed and characterized, particularly from grades 6-12. Depending on the background and needs of the course participants, representative and relevant artistic exercises will be taken up during these classes, though we most often explore Waldorf curriculum appropriate drawing techniques using pencil, ink, or compressed charcoal in this first year. We also discuss teacher-student dynamics and best pedagogical methods for success in the classroom, including the crucial acquisition of practical-artistic skills and the all-important need for inner self-development.
II Goals:
An in-depth, experiential understanding of the arts curriculum and how it corresponds to the child’s evolving consciousness. To inspire art that builds upon the themes of the high school years.
III Materials:
Students should be prepared with a notebook. Art materials will be provided as needed.
IV Readings
Preparatory Reading:
Rudolf Steiner, Art as Spiritual Activity: Rudolf Steiner’s
Contributions to the Visual Arts, selected lectures edited and introduced by Michael Howard [Anthroposophic Press]
Michael Martin, editor, Educating through Arts and Crafts, Steiner Schools Fellowship Publications