(First Year Group: Class of 2024)
Most books below are available through the online store of the Center for Anthroposophical Endeavors
(Select “Training Courses” tab at the top of the home page and scroll down to “Center for Anthroposophy”)
For HS 212: “Pedagogical Anthropology”
Rudolf Steiner, First Teachers’ Course
Rudolf Steiner, Education for Adolescents
Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophical Leading Thoughts
For HS 218: “Professional Seminar”
Torin Finser, Silence is Complicity (SteinerBooks, 2007)
Rudolf Steiner, Basic Issues of the Social Question ( GA 23)
For HS 220-228: “Subject Seminars”
Assigned readings will be different for each subject area. See the “guidelines for independent study” handed out at the end of the last July summer session, as well as the syllabi for the subject seminars included in this packet:
For English:
In addition to listings in the independent study guidelines, the following texts are suggested:
Margaret Bennell, Shakespeare’s Flowering of the Spirit (East Grinstead: Lanthorn Press, 1971)
Ralph Waldo Emerson, Selections, ed. Whicher (New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1957)
D.E. Faulkner Jones, The English Spirit (London: Rudolf Steiner Press, 1982)
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Faust, trans. Kaufmann (Garden City: Doubleday/Anchor Books, 1961)
A.C. Harwood, Shakespeare’s Prophetic Mind (London: Rudolf Steiner Press)
David Sloan, Life Lessons (AWSNA Publications, 2007)
Linda Sussman, The Speech of the Grail (Lindisfarne Books, 1995)
Betty Staley, Adolescence: The Sacred Passage (Rudolf Steiner College Press, 2006)
Betty Staley, Splinters of the Sun (AWSNA, 2008)
For History:
Own Barfield, Saving the Appearances (London: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich)
For Mathematics:
Euclid, The Thirteen Books of the Elements (Dover Publications, 1956).
Read most of Book I, straight from the book itself.
Jamie York, Making Math Meaningful (Whole Spirit Press). www.meaningfulmathbooks.com
Over the two years of independent study, read all of the high school books in this series.
Howard Eves, An Introduction to the History of Mathematics (Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1969).
David Hilbert and S. Cohn-Vossen, Geometry and the Imagination (Chelsea Publishing, 1990).
Morris Kline, Mathematical Thought from Ancient to Modern Times (Oxford University Press, 1972).
Imre Lakatos, Proofs and Refutations (Cambridge University Press, 1976).
T. Bell, Men of Mathematics (Touchstone, 1965).
For Physical Sciences:
Rudolf Steiner, Light: First Scientific Lecture-Course, trans. Raoul Casino (Hudson: Anthroposophic Press March 2002)
Michael D’Aleo, Embracing Materialism and Letting It Go (download at sensri.org), especially Chapters 5 & 6
Rudolf Steiner, Warmth Course
Georg Unger, Forming Concepts in Physics
For Arts and Art History:
Rudolf Steiner, Art as Spiritual Activity: Rudolf Steiner’s
Contributions to the Visual Arts, selected lectures edited and introduced by Michael Howard [Anthroposophic Press]
Michael Martin, editor, Educating through Arts and Crafts, Steiner Schools Fellowship Publications
Hildegard Gerbert, Education Through Art (Fellowship Press)
Van James, Spirit and Art (Anthroposophic Press)
Rudolf Steiner, The History of Art, a course of nine lectures transcripts available at the Center for Anthroposophy Bookstore
Gottfried Richter, Art and Human Consciousness Anthroposophic Press)
For HS 232 – 240: “Workshop in the Arts”
For Drama:
Peter Bridgmont, The Spearthrower
Michael Chekhov, To the Actor
Keith Johnstone, Impro
David Sloan, Stages of Imagination
Viola Spolin, Improvisational Theatre
Rudolf Steiner, “The Spiritual Individualities of the Planets”
For Eurythmy:
“The Being of Eurythmy” by Michael Debus